The Private Citizen 39 & 40

Immediately before and just after my move from Hamburg to Düsseldorf, I recorded two episodes of The Private Citizen. The second even has a video version.
With my move halfway across the country keeping me busy, I’m actually just now getting around to telling you about the two most recent podcast episodes I’ve released. Before I left Hamburg, I recorded a last episode from my old studio, catching up with some of the stuff I had covered before:
An update on the Danish intelligence scandal, Google’s plans to learn all about the things you get up to in hotel rooms and how to find out if your favourite podcast is tracking your listening habits.
Two and a half weeks later, I recorded the first episode from Düsseldorf:
A discussion on what’s going on with privacy laws in the US and in post-Brexit Britain and a look at Amazon’s latest push to spy on our living rooms.
To mark the occasion of my new studio setup, I also streamed episode 40 live on Twitch. A recording of this stream is available on YouTube, albeit with a bit of an audio anomaly. Because of some user error on my part, the audio is only on one channel. This doesn’t effect the podcast, of course, and I’ll have it fixed for the next stream, too.
I’ll probably stream this weeks episode as well. Should happen some time tomorrow, probably in the evening or afternoon. At the moment I can’t commit to a fixed time yet, but I might let you know here on the blog if I can sort out a schedule early enough beforhand. I’ll also put the recording of the stream on YouTube again.
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