The latest episode of my privacy podcast covers the second German lockdown and more details on the Cyberbunker case.

I’ve just released episode 44 of The Private Citizen, which is hopefully going to be one of two episodes released this week; if everything goes according to plan. You can listen to this first episode right now by visiting its show notes page. Some of you might recognise the episode title right away. If you do so, I salute you!

The Private Citizen 44: With the First Link, the Chain is Forged

As Germany is heading into another lockdown, our government now wants to search our homes without a warrant and due process. Why? Because they suspect illegal partying is going on. Also: More on the Cyberbunker case.

There is also a recording of the Twitch stream on YouTube, in case you want to see what my face looks like while I’m talking. Or something.

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