Trying to establish some new habits in the new year.

In December, I read something about Jocko Willink’s DEF Reset challenge. I do like the idea of it in general, but some of the particulars simply don’t agree with me. Getting up really early in the day, for example. I think that’s a bit stupid and just ignores the obvious fact that people are different. While I could get up at 04:30 every morning, for example, my morning workout would be pretty shit and I would operate far from peak efficiency the rest of day. And then, I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep at all at night. I am simply more efficient when I work later in the day. And I only reach my full workout potential if I exercise after 15:00.

Now, I could try to change my whole being and probably could get used to waking up early after a couple of months, but I would always operate less efficiently than if I simply listened to my body and did work when it best suits the way I am. And why not? If the goal is to be up before the enemy, I’ll just stay up. I’ll be up even earlier than Jocko.

But back to the idea of DEF Reset. Since I like the concept in general, I decided to adapt it to my needs. So, starting today, and on every weekday going forward, I’m getting up an hour earlier than I usually would. Today, that meant 08:00 instead of 09:00. Right after getting up, I did some light stretching exercises for about half an hour and then immediatly began attacking my workday. Since I will do my usual workout at night, this means I can get an extra stretching session in every morning, which is pretty sweet.

This plan worked pretty well today, let’s see if I can keep it up. I am also doing Dry January again. With the amount I am usually drinking, I always think it’s a good idea to at least once a year see if I can do without it.