A collection of uncensored media reports from Ground Zero of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan, China. Obviously, I have no idea how credible any of this is.


So, let me get this straight… Trump caused the coronavirus outbreak by being elected. And then he didn’t prepare for the outbreak he caused. And because he didn’t act fast enough, many people died. None of these people would have died if Trump wasn’t President. Because Hillary would have shut the whole country down in December. And that would have saved all the people. And all the jobs. And the economy. Because an earlier, stricter shutdown would have been better for the economy. That is clear.

These people… wow. It’s amazing how much idiocy and nonesense you can pack into a single tweet if you just detest Trump enough. And look at all the people who agree. “Does any of this make any sense at all?” “Who cares?” “ORANGE MAN BAD!!!


Joe Biden seems to have a #MeToo problem.


I’ve spent ten bucks to attach my new mechanical keyboard to my iPad and it’s a great typing experience. It’s like a modern typewriter! Absolutely amazing! That’s what I call transformational technology.


Social Media Distancing

Explaining my rationale for moving away from social networks and towards a more indieweb approach with direct contact to my readers.
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“Alster Crow”


Here’s a very interesting series of posts about what went wrong with Boeing:

  1. Boeing’s Culture Crash
  2. How The Dreamliner Became A Production Nightmare
  3. How The 737 MAX Went Down

FML Update: A Picture is Forming

We’re now half way through the first season of the fab.industries Magic League and so far Jonathan is unbeaten, with igwigg and Slippers chasing him.
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Foxtrot Vlog: I’m Fine, Guys!

Don’t worry about me. I’m OK. But since we’re talking, here are some observations on the lockdown, how we can all cope with it and the fact that the media is by and large completely idiotic.
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Foxtrot Vlog: COVID-19 Depression

I need to talk to somebody, so it might just as well be you.
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FML Update: Results from Round 1 of Split B

The general madness of the world has slowed the FML down a bit, but we’re looking forward to getting back into the Magic The Gathering action.
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Coronavirus and Our Civil Liberties

The coronavirus outbreak is opening a new and worrisome front in the battle for our privacy. I’m providing coverage on my privacy-focused podcast on as much of it as I can.
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Computer Says Jail

Are you aware of geofence warrants? If not, I’ve got a podcast episode for you.
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Introducing: Grim Deep

Very soon, you’ll be able to read the first chapter of my dystopian crime novel, free of charge on the web.
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Google’s GDPR Evasion in the UK

Sick of Coronavirus news? Haven’t listened to older episodes of The Private Citizen? How about this idea, then?
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Misunderstandings about TLS and Privacy

Catching up with some of the recent episodes of my data privacy podcast.
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Coronavirus Scares Me

What I’m scared of is not what the disease does to people. I’m scared of what it does to society.
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Introducing: Rant Trek

Wanna watch Star Trek and hear me rant about it? Well, you’re in luck!
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Private Sector Surveillance Bleeding into Government

When the government isn’t allowed to spy on you using cell tower data, it just goes to an advertising company and buys location data from apps. That’s the reality we live in.
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MTG Worlds: We Need a Better Tournament Format

As PVDDR hoisted the ultimate trophy in Magic The Gathering, it became clear that this year’s Arena-centric tournament format didn’t really work.
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