I’m happy to present my designs for the shirts and mugs available at OggCamp 19 next month.

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I’m going to OggCamp in Manchester in October. Even though I’m not on the organising comittee of the event anymore, my good friend Dan once again asked me to design the branding for the conference this year – just like in the good old days. Of course, I was happy to do that. I might have not had enough free time to attend OggCamp in previous years, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for this little unconference. And so I’m proud to present this year’s designs.

With the main logo, I was trying to go for an ’80s computing vibe. I did this mostly because I’m very fond of classic advertising colour schemes from that decade and because it was the time, when most of the people that will be attending OggCamp probably started to get into personal computers – I certainly did, at the very tail end of the decade. The beams coming out of the old-style PC are meant to represent creative freedom in the spirit of OggCamp being all about free software and free culture.

OggCamp Wordmark

The wordmark emphasises that this is the tenth year of the conference, which is quite an achievement, I reckon. I don’t think any of us original organisers back in the day would have seriously taken a bet on this thing lasting ten years.

Anyway, you’re probably anxious to see the shirt designs… First off, the regular shirt that conference attendees can buy to support the event:

OggCamp 19 Shirt

That’s the front design on the left and the backside on the right. This is taken from my final proof that we’ve shipped to the printing company. The colours might change a bit, based on their process. That’s outside of my control, but I’ve tried to match what they can produce as closely as possible.

If you volunteer to be part of the amazing crew contingent, which as always is led by Les Pounder, you get one of these shirts for free:

OggCamp 19 Crew Shirt

It’s obviously important that it says CREW on there in big letters. If you come to the event and need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask the guys and gals in these shirts. They’re always happy to provide assistance. Hats off to the OggCamp crew!

And, of course, there will also be mugs available to buy if you want to support the event. These are particularly sought after. I know several people who have a collection of all OggCamp mugs we’ve ever made. So here’s the mug design for this year:

OggCamp Mug

I hope you like these designs, especially if you’re coming along to the event. If you want to comment on my designs, you can do so in the Fediverse thread for this post or you can just say hello in Manchester. I’ll be the guy wearing the best hat at the event, probably.

Oh yeah, and before you go, I’ll let you in on a little secret that old Linux Outlaws fans will be especially happy to hear. It seems Dan and I are doing a session at the event. We haven’t quite decided what we’ll talk about yet, but I’m sure it’ll be fun. I just hope they don’t kick me out of the event beforehand because I’ve accidentally violated their CoC somehow. You know me, I’m liable to cause offense to someone sooner or later. But hey, I ain’t on the committee anymore, so there’s a CoC now and we’ll all gonna have to live with it. Anyway, see you in Manchester next month?