I’m back, baby! For the first time since 2014, I’m doing a weekly podcast again. If you like politics talk or want to figure out how to cut through the media bullcrap, you’ll love Radio Nowhere!

Today, I’ve launched a new weekly podcast I call Radio Nowhere. What is it about, you ask? Let me quote right from the website:

RADIO NOWHERE is a political podcast that promotes free thought and independent research. The show is hosted by tech journalist and writer Fabian A. Scherschel. It is recorded in his home studio and on the road and released weekly.

Loosely inspired by such shows as No Agenda and The Daily, I pick a political topic every week to discuss in-depth. Could be anything really. Something that happened recently, something from the past few years or a development that’s been going on for a while. If it’s interesting to me, I will probably talk about it at some point. The first episode deals with Trump’s Ukraine phone call and the impeachment inquiry it has launched.

As is always the case with my shows, you get ample show notes and access to all the sources I have used in producing the episode. I am trying to encurage people to do their own research, think out of the box and stop believing everything they see and hear. The show also lives and dies by audience participation, so please go have a listen and tell me what you think. Contact details are in the show notes. I hope you like Radio Nowhere and it can add something meaningful to your podcast listening.

At this point I would be remiss if I don’t thank Dan Lynch, who’s arranged and recorded the wonderful version of the song Radio Nowhere that I’m using as this podcast’s theme. It just works perfectly for the show, I feel.

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Header image credit: Jay Heike