So, I love Elite Dangerous. I’ve have around 896 flight hours on my main account, excluding idle time. But sometimes, that game is also plain stupid. I was really happy that they brought GalNet news and community goals back, but when I wanted to take part in the most recent one, all I was met with was terrible disappointment.

It turns out I can’t get to the Witch Head Nebula region where the community goal is located, because I haven’t unlocked the right technology. And to add insult to injury, it seems you can unlock that tech when you score really well at this event. An event I can’t get to because I don’t have the tech unlocked.

CMDR SpaceGhost put it well on the Frontier forums:

Who thought this through at Frontier? Who came up with the idea to give away a FSDB for a prize? When you need a FSDB to get to the Witch Head Nebula? Noobs better hitch a ride with a FC. Oh wait if you dont have the FSDB you prolly an’t equipped to fight thargoids. How about giving something Anti Thargoid weapon/defense away? something that really has to do with the CG. Good going. Way to ruin another CG

Now I’m stuck in the black very close to the Witch Head with some specialised anti-Thargoid weapons I don’t need. Thanks, FDev!