I watched the Babylon 5 episode “Acts of Sacrifice” (S2 E12) last night. In this episode, G’Kar tries desperately to convince the other governments to give military aid to the Narn. In an earlier episode, the Centauri launch a surprise war on the Narn after years of mutual hostility and several border skirmishes.

It occured to me how good of an analogy this plot is for the current war in Ukraine. The reasons both Sheridan and Delenn give, on behalf of the Earth Alliance and the Minbari government respectively, on why they can’t intervene directly in the war – however unjust and terrible it might be – ring true today as much as they did in 1995. Oh how I wish our politicians would watch intelligent shows like this. It might inspire them to do better and reality wouldn’t be such a sorrowful mess. <*>