Welcome to FOXTROT ALFA BRAVO, the project site and blog for fab.industries, my newest endeavor on the web.

What is fab.industries, you might rightfully ask at this point. Aha, well… I’ve designed it as a place where all my own original content on the web will be aggregated in the future. As an entity it is explicitely differentiated from my podcast network Sixgun Productions and, naturally, my day job at heise online. But I will also use the site to collect a portfolio of the work I am doing.

You can expect blog posts about what I do on a daily basis as a tech journalist, stories that I find interesting and reports on new podcast episodes and streams from Sixgun Productions. I’ll also use this site to write in English in an effort to keep up my skills in that language. Translating some of that content to German will also sharpen my translation skills.

I sincerely hope you’ll find something useful here at fab.industries and you’ll come along for the ride. I also might be able to reveal some exiting news in the future. You’ll hear it here first. See you around!

Header image credit: Alexander Popov