Starting tomorrow, I’m bringing you fresh tech news with your coffee every morning during the week.

As I had announced last month, I’m starting a new daily live stream and podcast named Morning Call. Every morning during the work week, I’ll sit down with my coffe to go over the previous day’s tech news and to give you a look at the day ahead. I had originally planned to start the show yesterday, but we decided to stay a day longer in our friends’ holiday cottage in Denmark so the first episode got pushed back a bit.

Starting tomorrow morning, I will stream the show live on Twitch and as soon as I’m done, I will upload it as a podcast which you can subscribe to via Sixgun Productions. As I get some practice in doing this every day, I plan to start streaming on a fixed schedule every morning. I will eventually publish that schedule, but for now I’m focussing on getting this baby into the air and I’ll start whenever I’m ready each morning (probably around nine-ish Central European Time). Keep an eye on my Twitter account or the Sixgun community on Discord to see notifications when I’m going live.

There will be days when I’m out on assignment or otherwise not able to do the show, probably because of other freelance jobs that take precedence. So don’t be worried if I skip a day here or there. I’ll return with my morning coffee and some tech news as soon as I’m able. See you for the live stream tommorrow morning, then!

Header image credit: Yan Ots