As promised last year, I’ve redesigned the website for The Private Citizen. The podcast has also gotten an album art refresh to go along with it. As you can see, I’ve now labelled it more clearly as a politics podcast, to reflect the changes in direction the show has experienced during its first year of operation. As before, the design is supposed to convey what the show is about in one glance and then get out of your way to quickly enable you to access the podcast and the substantial amount of show notes for each episode. Pleas let me know if there are any issues.

I will record and release the first episode of the year today. I was planning on streaming the recording starting at 18:00 CET, but looking at the current time, I might actually be a few hours late with that as I still have a lot of prep work to do. I will post in the Discord when I’m getting ready to go live. See you then, I hope!