I will be streaming some Elite Dangerous with Halefa and Jonathan tonight at 19:00 CEST. I haven’t played Elite in quite a while and I’m really looking forward to it. Could be a bit of a struggle, but probably a fun one!

If you’re interested, come along tonight and heckle us in chat:



The Private Citizen 41: The Great Privacy Reset

Against all odds, another Private Citizen episode is released.
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The Griffins II: War is Brewing

In the second part of my CK3 journal, things are starting to heat up around Pomerania, but Siemomysl manages to keep his duchy out of the wars. For now…
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Today at 18:00 CEST, I will be live streaming episode 41 of my privacy podcast The Private Citizen. I will be discussing recent developments with COVID-19 apps in the UK and elsewhere and how the situation of “the new normal” continues to impact our privacy. I’ll be streaming via my Twitch channel:


I’d be happy if you come along and give me some live feedback on the show. You’ll also be able to see how I record podcasts live. This time, I’ll have the sound fixed and will be showing you what’s going on on my screen as well.


The Private Citizen 39 & 40

Immediately before and just after my move from Hamburg to Düsseldorf, I recorded two episodes of The Private Citizen. The second even has a video version.
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Cobi Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-8

Tomorrow, I will be streaming the build of a WWII airplane brick set from Cobi.
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The Griffins I: Humble Beginnings

The beginning of a journal chronicling my first adventures in Crusader Kings III, playing as an insignificant noble house in backwater Pomerania.
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“Best Thug Name in a Video Game Ever”


The Private Citizen 38: Immunity Passports

Immunity passports are a bad idea. Here’s why.
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Remember when I told you that Wasteland 3 has great musical interludes? The job they’ve done is amazing! With a few pieces of excellent original recordings of public domain songs, they’ve spruced up this game a lot. And I mean a lot! This, again, is really impressive. And on an optional side-mission, too. I almost don’t want to look at the digital soundtrack I bought, so as to not spoil what else is coming.


The Private Citizen 37: Unsecure Restaurant Contact Tracing Lists

The latest episode of my privacy podcast deals with the horribly written software that is used to store people’s contact data. Data that they are forced to hand over whenever visiting a restaurant here in Germany these days.
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“Now, I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character, so let me make this abundantly clear: I do the job. And then I get paid.”

   — Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly


Wasteland 3 is out today. I’ve played it for about 12 hours now for a review I wrote and can whole-heartedly recommend it, if you like old-school CRPGs. There’s this one scene in the beginning of the game, where I knew they had me. I was all-in after that. This guy gets shot in the head and then this amazing music kicks in… It’s so well done!


I’ve been emailed by a couple of people who asked if I’m going to play – and share my thoughts on – the new Microsoft Flight Simulator. Since I guess I’m a well-known simulator nut, it’s not unreasonable to ask.

The answer is yes, I will, eventually. But I first have to upgrade my PC. I’ve already ordered a new 1 TB SSD for this, but when it arrives, I’ll have to make time to install it and re-install Windows – which is long overdue anyway. Once that’s done, hopefully this weekend, I still need to make time to play the actual game, which could be a bit tricky. With my move to Düsseldorf coming up next month, free time is in very short supply for me right now. But I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of the game as soon as humanly possible.


Spent most of my day today playing Wasteland 3 for a review I’m writing. I’ve always loved the Wasteland series and this game doesn’t seem to be an exception to the rule. At least so far. Which is fortunate with Fallout being shit these days.

Anyone who immediately recognises who my characters are based on has my respect. You clearly know your Westerns.


Lego are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. On the one hand, they refuse to sell anything that might be construed as militaristic, on the other hand, they turn around a few weeks later and release this:

You do realise Luke gets his hand cut off with a sword by his dad in that scene, right? They do know full well they’re hypocrites, too. Look how careful the framed this shot so you can’t see where Luke’s right hand is missing. Fuckers…


Back to Work

After recharging my batteries for ten days in Norway, I’m ready to once again bury myself in work.
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Light at the End of the Tunnel

The parts got to Altona in time an it’s looking like my Guzzi will see the Norwegian fjords after all.
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“Ain't Gonna Live to Tell This Tale”


“Let Me Tell You a Story…”
