The current internet drama in the Magic The Gathering community is about a judge who asked a tournament organiser to unlock a laptop with a fingerprint. The judge apparently said to the organiser “I need your finger.” The organiser replied: “Where do you need my finger?” This got interpreted by the judge as sexual harassment. I shit you not. I have no idea if it is relevant that the judge was born with one set of genitals but decided they’d be happier as part of the other sex. More power to them. But if this kind of nonsense is counted as sexual harassment now, we’re in for a very unsocial century. I mean, it could be a completely innocent answer. It could be a bad joke, maybe even a tasteless one. But it ain’t harassment. That you’re offended by something doesn’t automatically make it harassment.

You know what offends me? As someone versed in IT security, it offends me that this judge asked someone else to unlock a device with the other person’s fingerprint. If a device is locked with biometric information and you don’t have the biometrics in question, you’re not supposed to use it. That’s what biometrics are all about, for fuck’s sake!


That is genius! I might start using that.


Ah yes. Those are the people leaving Twitter because of all the horrible, horrible “hate speech” on that platform. I guess it’s okay when you do it to someone else, isn’t it?

Just one post of many that nicely demonstrates that a) Bisky isn’t a nicer place populated by nicer people than Twitter was and b) that labelling something as “hate speech” has nothing to do with fighting hate, but that it is simply a propaganda term used to excommunicate opposing viewpoints.


“Moderate high temperature warning” – back in the day, we called this “summer”. And we didn’t warn people about it, we were happy and enjoyed it.

What even are “moderate high” temperatures? That whole concept doesn’t make any sense!
