Donald Trump’s Second Term

Now this is really funny. Apparently, the original director of AARO, Sean M. Kirkpatrick, used Reddit to come up with the organisation’s motto vita nostra est quod cogitationes nostra facere est.
Can someone translate this quote to latin for me please?
The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.

Fabian A. Scherschel in reply to :
I do think there’s a big danger here with politicians in charge who are either too dumb or to reckless to understand that all of this escalation will lead to a full-scale war involving nuclear powers sooner or later and that this war will then escalate until nukes are flying. There is simply no way any of these countries will expend 20 million people to keep soldiers from their capital when they have ICBMs. But for some reason, people still think that nuclear fallout shelters do shit and are prepared to play this poker game.
WW III would have ended the world during the Cold War, but since then our societies have become so dependent on technology that a nuclear exchange will be so much more devastating now. Someone needs to tell these people that all of their money will be gone when all of these computers get nuked and that they won’t have working smartphones to diddle around with either…
So, I got sick with what I assume was a severe case of influenza on Monday and spent four days in a fever-induced delirium that left me unable to eat or get out of bed. As I am slowly clawing myself back into reality, I realise World War III almost broke out while I was unconscious.

What you see above is a screenshot of a Ukrainian video of the first of six MIRV warheads — apparently launched from an RS-26 Rubezh medium-range ballistic missile — striking the Yuzhmash aerospace factory in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk (since 2016 known as Dnipro) on Thursday. This is the first time MIRVs have ever struck anything outside of a testing situation. If you have no idea what a MIRV is, you can scare yourself at your own leasure by reading this.
This is a huge escalation and probably the closest we have ever been to nuclear war. Things seems worse now than they’ve been in 1962 or even 1983. The Russian attack was a response to a Ukrainian attack on a Russian military installation in Karachev, Russia on Monday. The Ukrainians had used supersonic ATACMS ballistic missiles, which, reportedly, need someone with a US security clearance to operate because they make use of proprietary military infrastructure to locate their targets. The Ukrainians had just received the go-ahead to use ATACMS missiles inside Russian territory for the first time from the US military. By a lame duck US president, no less. Not wanting to be left out, the Brits and French let loose some Storm Shadow cruise missiles into Russia on Wednesday.
Putin obviously saw all of this as an escalation and reacted with another change of Russias nuclear retaliation doctrine and those crazy scary MIRV strikes. How the fuck is the idea that we are as close to nuclear annihilation as never before not the number one news story on all news websites right now? It took me days to hear about all this. Nobody seems to care much. This whole thing is crazy! We’re so fucked…

Russia’s War Goals in Ukraine

NATO Expansion and Putin’s War in Ukraine

A New Era of Foreign Policy