I explain why I am leaving YouTube for the time being.

Wishing all readers of this blog a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025! I hope you have a relaxing time during the holidays and enjoy yourselves as much as you can. I myself will take some time off from writing now. I’ll see you in the coming year.
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Anyway, less distractions hopefully means more reading and writing for me.
Fabian A. Scherschel in reply to :
Yes, I do plan to record a short farewell episode of TPC. Don’t know when yet, but I will try. I want to explain to the listeners what happened to the show.
Me and my family are all okay. The legal troubles I mentioned in the last TPC episode amounted to me pulling a trailer that was too heavy for my car.
(Well, actually it wasn’t. I am allowed to drive a vehicle up to 3.5 tonnes and the whole set with the trailer was well below that. The issue was that the allowed maximum load for my car plus the trailer was slightly over 3.5 t, even if everything was much lighter in reality. While people from most countries will most likely be shaking their heads in despair at this point, being from Russia, I think you can understand this kind of brainless, plodding Kafka-esque bureaucracy designed to land people in jail. That is a thing both our countries always had in common.)
Funnily enough, this constitutes a criminal offence in Germany and carries a jail sentence. I was able to avoid going to jail by appealing to the DA (since I’ve never before had any trouble with the law in my life and have no driving offences on record) and paying a hefty fine. I will write an in-depths article about this whole experience at some point.
I am not pulling the plug on Patreon per se, but would like to move to Ko-Fi for good if possible. The way that company handles itself fills me with more confidence. Patreon has been too pro-censorship in the past for my liking. if you can do both and still want to support me, I’d appreciate a move to Ko-fi, yes. Please let me know if you run into any issues.
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