Notes on Deathloop #6

I’m actually getting somewhere in this game! And it’s fun! I think I really dig this one. First Arkane game I can actually enjoy fully.


Notes on Deathloop #5

Well, played as Julianna the first time and promptly my game crashed.

Apparently this is a know issue with the game’s handling of refresh rates and VSync under strain. If it happens to you, this might help. Seems to have fixed it for me.


Notes on Deathloop #4

Jesus. This game is fucking with my brain on so many levels.


Notes on Deathloop #3

Well, a restart of the game fixed the dual wield icon issue. At least that’s something… Although I still don’t understand the default layout. Such a weird design choice.


Notes on Deathloop #2

Why the fuck is the dual wield control on mouse/keyboard this idiotic in this game? By default, left hand is right mouse button and right hand is left mouse button. And even if you change the bindings, the permanent icons at the bottom of the screen are still wrong. What the fuck!?

The amount of times I’ve ended my stealth run by accident now because I looked at the icons and squeezed off a (very loud) SMG burst instead of using my (silent) machete… This is infuriating!


Notes on Deathloop #1

Well, despite continuous warnings that my old GTX 980 has about 2 GB too few VRAM, the game actually runs quite well. I mean, it isn’t exactly pretty and I sometimes have some screen tearing, but it’s very playable and actually quite smooth. And since it’s a very stylised look anyway, even more than with previous Arkane games, it’s actually not that jarring to turn the graphics settings down to low.


Typical. Typical for Tarkov to wipe while I have no time to play games for a few weeks. By the time I’ve got time again, all the streamers will have Kappa and I’ll be completely outgunned again. What kind of time to wipe is the middle of the summer, anyway? Some of us actually have a life. You know, go out in the sun and such? Damn you, Nikita!


Red Dead Redemption 2 is Broken Again

Ah great! Rockstar’s gone and fucked it up again.
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Tarkov Functional Gun Presets

Here are some of my relatively cheap, but very usable, beginner gun presets for Escape from Tarkov.
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I recently switched from the Savage Cub to the X Cub in Microsoft Flight Simulator and started learning the Garmin glass cockpit that comes with this slightly more complicated plane. I can now use the autopilot and decided to fly from Hamsteede (EHBU) to Calais (LFAC) today. It’s been so much fun and the – REX Weather Force-provided – weather is so nice, that I might, after a quick stop, fly on to Dover and start exploring the UK for the first time.
