The Dichotomy of Dragon Age: The Veilguard Opinion

By the way: I love all these gaming journalism outlets reporting propaganda straight from Electronic Arts on how The Veilguard is breaking sales and continuos player records on Steam for the company. How stupid do these people think we are? EA hasn’t launched a new game on Steam since they quit the platform in 2011! This is the first proper release on there from them in 13 years. The fact that it is breaking records means nothing at all.
Elden Ring, a game that is now almost three years old, still has half the player count that The Veilguard had at release. And more players are playing Baldur’s Gate 3 right now than are playing Failguard. That is how this game stacks up to its direct competition. EA spent over $250 million on this shit — versus $200 million for Elden Ring and $100 million for Baldur’s Gate 3. Seems to me that From Software and Larian kicked their ass. That’s the real story here.
I’ve been watching Asmongold play Failguard. Jesus Christ, the dialogue is so bad. Very, very bad.
“I’ve seen your work. Like that time you ditched your orders for a better strategy during a darkspawn attack.”
(Yes, that’s some actual dialogue from the first half hour of the game. And no, they don’t explain it further. That is meant to single-handedly explain why your character is badass and why Varric trusts you with the fate of the world. Jesus.)
Boy, I’m so glad I didn’t buy this shit.
I’m Done with Another Favourite Franchise

Goodbye, Tarkov

After finishing Mystic Quest on the Game Boy, I started Secret of Mana on the SNES this weekend. So far, I have earned 10% of its Retro Achievements.

It has taken me 23 hours and 50 minutes, but I have just beaten Mystic Quest for the Game Boy. This was my second playthrough. I first finished it 32 years ago when the game came out (that playthrough probably took me a lot longer). I did not simply finish the story, though, I also got all 50 achievements for it that are listed on
I’m continuing to make my way through Mystic Quest on the Game Boy. I’ve moved past level 50 and I’m now approaching the end game.
As a long-overdue follow-up to my first PICO-8 game recommendation, I want to recommend one of the most impressive games ever to be made for the platform: Paul Nicholas’ remake of the classic RTS game Dune II (which famously started the RTS craze in the ’90s). It is called UnDUNE II and it’s a so-called multi-cart game, meaning it utilises several cartridges that are daisy-chained and together make up the whole program. When you start playing, you’ll quickly figure out why this is needed. It is amazing that Paul managed to fit a full RTS game into PICO-8’s stringent limitations, even with this trick.
UnDUNE II is a faithful recreation of the original and includes almost all of its features. I’ve included a copy of the initial cart here, but to play the full game, you need all of the carts. You can get PICO-8 carts as well as stand-alone versions of the game on for free. But I would advise you to donate something to honour Paul’s efforts. He worked on this game for years and it is truly a monumental achievement of the PICO-8 world!
I’ve updated my Retro Achievements Page. I’ve got 26% of the achievements for Mystic Quest now.
I’ve added a separate page for my retro achievements to this site.
I’ve recently bought a Miyoo Mini Plus, a small handheld that runs Linux and emulates several gaming consoles, including the Game Boy, NES, SNES and classic arcades. There’s great open source firmware for it, that I immediately put on mine. I bought this device primarily because it can run PICO-8 carts and thus allows me to test the game I am developing.
But, since the thing also plays Game Boy games — and magnificently so, being just the right form factor and shipping with all the fancy RetroArch video filters and such — I decided it was high time I replayed Final Fantasy Adventure (or Mystic Quest, as it is called here in Europe). Fun fact: That game motivated me to learn English back in school, as there was no German version. It’s probably the main reason I speak English at all.
Through all of this, I also discovered a very cool website that allows you to collect crowdsourced achievements for old games. It works perfectly with the Miyoo Mini, so here’s my first two achievements in Mystic Quest:
Elden Ring is an amazing game. I am currently on my second attempt at actually beating it and the more I play it, the more I admire the sheer attention to detail that went into it. Here’s one example:
Early on in the game, you meet a woman named Melina, who offers to become your “maiden” and guide you through the game. She gives you a spectral horse you can summon as a mount, but more importantly, she becomes your mechanism to actually level up in the game. With her help, you can turn the runes you collect from dead enemies into stats increases at the sites of Grace that you rest at (which are basically save points).
Now, this turns out to be completely optional. In the dialogue with Melina, you can actually turn down her offer and continue your journey without her. Which means you then won’t be able to level up at all throughout the game. What is amazing is that you can still complete most of the game that way, including beating all of the seven major bosses. At level 1. Why do we know this? Because FromSoftware players are crazy and one of them actually tried this crazy approach. Took him 30 hours and in the end, he didn’t regret a second of it. He’s just mad that FromSoftware didn’t allow him to actually finish the game in this insane way. The crazy bastard.

Goose Nordic Adventure, Part 2: Rotterdam to Heligoland

As I’ve recently played around with coding games for PICO-8 again, I’ve also been playing a lot of games other people made for the platform to learn about programming techniques and tricks other developers have used. While doing this, it has occurred to me, that I might as well start sharing some of the amazing games for this platform on my blog, so that other people can learn about them, too.
As a start, I would like to tell you about probably the most famous PICO-8 game: The hardcore platformer Celeste. The version most people know was built with Microsoft’s XNA, but the original version of the game, now called Celeste Classic, was a PICO-8 game. If you own a copy of PICO-8, you can load the following cart to play the game. Just download the PNG, put it into the carts folder of PICO-8 and run: load celeste.p8.png
If you don’t own a copy of PICO-8, you can play the game online here.
Goose Nordic Adventure, Part 1: Schwarze Heide to Rotterdam

I love the PC game Battletech. It’s one of my favourite strategy games of all time – I even prefer it to the XCOM reboot it is based on. Battletech’s story is great and the mechanics are even better. I’ve played the game for about 500 hours in total.
As such, I was anxiously awaiting that the game’s publisher Paradox would announce the development of a sequel. Which will probably never happen now, as The Lamplighters League, the latest game by Harebrained Schemes (which developed both Battletech and the PC adaptations of Shadowrun), has flopped massively. Paradox seems to have seen this coming and laid off most of the Harebrained Schemes staff pre-emptively during the summer.
Apparently, Harebrained Schemes did pitch Battletech 2 to Paradox at some point, but the publisher didn’t want it to happen because the IP for the project wasn’t owned by neither party.
- Paradox to write down Lamplighters League costs, confirms layoffs at Harebrained Schemes,
- 80 percent of Harebrained Schemes’ staff have been laid off + Battletech 2 was pitched to Paradox, but it wasn’t a Paradox IP and Microsoft got a revenue cut so the sequel was rejected, Reddit
Getting Awfully Crowded in My Sky: How to Smuggle in Starfield

In case you ever find yourself in the Charybdis system in Starfield, because you followed a distress signal and are now on a mission called “Operation Starseed”, here’s some info I wish I had when starting that mission:
During that mission, there might come a point when you side with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and you have to kill some other leaders. If this happens, only kill those other leaders, not the random colonists shooting at you. If you kill even one of them, the whole settlement will go hostile after your post-battle talk with FDR. This is because you now have a bounty in that settlement. You can solve that issue by entering the following console command when they all go hostile: player.paycrimegold 0 0 00299F72
Be aware that the console is only available on PC. It can be activated by pressing the ~
key. Also, if you use that command, your saves will be classified as “modded” which means you won’t be able to get any achievements on those saves anymore.

People who know me will not be surprised that I am looking forward very much to Starfield coming out. Fallout 3 was one of my favourite games of all time and I’ve put just about 2000 hours into Elite: Dangerous before finally losing interest in that game. So I was planning on pre-ordering Bethesda’s upcoming blockbuster and I’ve taken off the first week of September to stream it as close to 24/7 as I can get.
But, as it turns out, I will actually also be reviewing this game for heise online. Which means that I’ll actually get to play it now. I just can’t talk about that until my review comes out.

I haven’t been this excited about a video game in years!