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1 July 2021, 11:28 CEST
Typical. Typical for Tarkov to wipe while I have no time to play games for a few weeks. By the time I’ve got time again, all the streamers will have Kappa and I’ll be completely outgunned again. What kind of time to wipe is the middle of the summer, anyway? Some of us actually have a life. You know, go out in the sun and such? Damn you, Nikita!
25 April 2021, 23:14 CEST
— 3 min read
Ah great! Rockstar’s gone and fucked it up again.
5 April 2021, 16:19 CEST
— 6 min read
Here are some of my relatively cheap, but very usable, beginner gun presets for Escape from Tarkov.
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28 March 2021, 15:31 CEST
I recently switched from the Savage Cub to the X Cub in Microsoft Flight Simulator and started learning the Garmin glass cockpit that comes with this slightly more complicated plane. I can now use the autopilot and decided to fly from Hamsteede (EHBU) to Calais (LFAC) today. It’s been so much fun and the – REX Weather Force-provided – weather is so nice, that I might, after a quick stop, fly on to Dover and start exploring the UK for the first time.
28 December 2020, 19:55 CET
— 5 min read
There is peace in the land, but not in the bedchamber, as Duke Siemomysl of Pomerania decides to distract himself from the stress of designing new aqueducts in the brothel. And promptly contracts a nasty venereal disease.
23 November 2020, 13:00 CET
— 2 min read
I’m playing Minecraft again.
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21 October 2020, 01:15 CEST
So, I love Elite Dangerous. I’ve have around 896 flight hours on my main account, excluding idle time. But sometimes, that game is also plain stupid. I was really happy that they brought GalNet news and community goals back, but when I wanted to take part in the most recent one, all I was met with was terrible disappointment.
It turns out I can’t get to the Witch Head Nebula region where the community goal is located, because I haven’t unlocked the right technology. And to add insult to injury, it seems you can unlock that tech when you score really well at this event. An event I can’t get to because I don’t have the tech unlocked.
CMDR SpaceGhost put it well on the Frontier forums:
Who thought this through at Frontier? Who came up with the idea to give away a FSDB for a prize? When you need a FSDB to get to the Witch Head Nebula? Noobs better hitch a ride with a FC. Oh wait if you dont have the FSDB you prolly an’t equipped to fight thargoids. How about giving something Anti Thargoid weapon/defense away? something that really has to do with the CG. Good going. Way to ruin another CG
Now I’m stuck in the black very close to the Witch Head with some specialised anti-Thargoid weapons I don’t need. Thanks, FDev!
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16 October 2020, 01:57 CEST
11 October 2020, 21:30 CEST
— 4 min read
Pomerania gets drawn into the ongoing wars in the region as a number of Danish dukes open a holy war against its western neighbours.
7 October 2020, 13:22 CEST
— 3 min read
In the second part of my CK3 journal, things are starting to heat up around Pomerania, but Siemomysl manages to keep his duchy out of the wars. For now…
4 October 2020, 12:29 CEST
— 7 min read
The beginning of a journal chronicling my first adventures in Crusader Kings III, playing as an insignificant noble house in backwater Pomerania.
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3 September 2020, 10:59 CEST
Remember when I told you that Wasteland 3 has great musical interludes? The job they’ve done is amazing! With a few pieces of excellent original recordings of public domain songs, they’ve spruced up this game a lot. And I mean a lot! This, again, is really impressive. And on an optional side-mission, too. I almost don’t want to look at the digital soundtrack I bought, so as to not spoil what else is coming.
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28 August 2020, 10:26 CEST
Wasteland 3 is out today. I’ve played it for about 12 hours now for a review I wrote and can whole-heartedly recommend it, if you like old-school CRPGs. There’s this one scene in the beginning of the game, where I knew they had me. I was all-in after that. This guy gets shot in the head and then this amazing music kicks in… It’s so well done!
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26 August 2020, 13:31 CEST
I’ve been emailed by a couple of people who asked if I’m going to play – and share my thoughts on – the new Microsoft Flight Simulator. Since I guess I’m a well-known simulator nut, it’s not unreasonable to ask.
The answer is yes, I will, eventually. But I first have to upgrade my PC. I’ve already ordered a new 1 TB SSD for this, but when it arrives, I’ll have to make time to install it and re-install Windows – which is long overdue anyway. Once that’s done, hopefully this weekend, I still need to make time to play the actual game, which could be a bit tricky. With my move to Düsseldorf coming up next month, free time is in very short supply for me right now. But I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of the game as soon as humanly possible.
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25 August 2020, 22:20 CEST
Spent most of my day today playing Wasteland 3 for a review I’m writing. I’ve always loved the Wasteland series and this game doesn’t seem to be an exception to the rule. At least so far. Which is fortunate with Fallout being shit these days.
Anyone who immediately recognises who my characters are based on has my respect. You clearly know your Westerns.
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5 June 2020, 13:17 CEST
Well, it looks like space legs are official!
I’ve been quite down on Elite Dangerous recently after they gutted the in-universe story telling. But if they pull this off and there’s actually interesting stuff to do on your space legs, that would be amazing. Not least because the game would then have completely leapfrogged every single aspect of Star Citizen.
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30 April 2020, 14:44 CEST
ADVENT would like to remind you that the virus curfew is in place for YOUR protection. Trust in the wisdom of THE ELDERS, they know best. Stay at home while we are building the society of the future!
I’ve started playing XCOM again and the propaganda messages in the game just made me think of this.
15 December 2019, 13:43 CET
— 2 min read
It’s been twenty years since the last proper MechWarrior game and MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is out. Here’s how to get your X-55 to work with it quickly and easily.
20 November 2019, 13:42 CET
— 3 min read
After Rockstar’s release disaster of the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2, I can finally play the game now after they pushed an update that stops the game from burning my CPU to the ground every time I try to run it.
17 February 2019, 21:13 CET
— 5 min read
Trying to catch up with the Distant Worlds 2 expedition fleet.