Planeswalker Jambalaya

A review of Greg Weisman’s Magic The Gathering novel War of the Spark: Ravnica and how it compares to older Magic fiction.
Talk, Don’t Block

If you make your living from spreading your opinion around, how about you start listening to other people’s opinions once in a while?
Why Did an Easyjet A320 Nearly Collide with a Turkish Airlines Plane in Hamburg?

Several weeks ago, an Easyjet plane nearly collided during takeoff with a Turkish Airlines jet on the ground at Hamburg Airport. With good visibility down the runway, it is hard to understand how this potentially catastrophic situation could have devloped. Easyjet has not answered my questions about the incident.
Distant Worlds 2: Reaching Omega

Getting ready for the second leg of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition in Elite Dangerous.
Morning Call

Starting tomorrow, I’m bringing you fresh tech news with your coffee every morning during the week.
Sixgun Productions in 2018 & The Future

Review of my year 2018 in podcasting and exiting news for 2019.
Failed Experiment

The final part of my review-in-progress of Fallout 76, including my final verdict on the game.
Scorched Earth

Continuing my review-in-progress of Fallout 76, running into the first annoyances with the game.
Country Roads

The first part of my review-in-progress of Fallout 76, the newest game in the acclaimed post-apocalyptic RPG franchise.